Securing Legal Immigration Status and Stability for NJ’s Children and Youth
Direct Immigration Legal Services
NJCIC represents children and youth under 21 in removal defense, and petitions for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, asylum, U/T visas, and other humanitarian relief, with a focus on unaccompanied children and similarly-situated youth. We work across the state and take a youth-centered, culturally-sensitive, and trauma-informed approach to representation.
Intake and Referral for Unaccompanied Children and Similarly-Situated Youth
NJCIC serves as the central coordinating hub for intake and referral of unaccompanied children seeking legal representation under a state-funded program sponsored by the NJ Office of New Americans and coordinated by Kids in Need of Defense (KIND). The program assists unaccompanied children who have arrived in the U.S. without their parents and similarly-situated youth at high risk of deportation. NJCIC conducts an initial telephone legal screening and refers eligible children and youth to partner legal service providers, including KIND, American Friends Service Committee, Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Newark, Camden Center for Law and Social Justice, Make the Road NJ, Morris County Organization for Hispanic Affairs (MCOHA), and NJCIC. More information about eligibility and how to refer children for intake is here.
Community Education
NJCIC empowers immigrant youth and their caregivers by providing accessible information about navigating the complex immigration court system, understanding common forms of legal immigration status, and accessing health insurance and social services. We develop youth-oriented educational guides and partner with legal service providers, schools, and community organizations to host Know-Your-Rights events. See our resources and events pages for more information.
Training and Capacity Building
NJCIC supports its members and builds capacity for legal services by hosting provider meetings and trainings on current legal and policy issues impacting immigrant children and youth. We help advocates stay on top of rapidly-changing immigration laws and policies, sharpen their skills, share resources, and build community. If you are a legal service provider or attorney that represents children and would like information about becoming a member, please email Samantha Rumsey, Legal Director, at