Digital Resource Bank
Welcome to NJCIC’s Digital Resources Bank. Below is a collection of resources developed to support members of the immigrant community as they navigate various aspects of living (and thriving) in New Jersey. The informational video resources are available to viewers/listeners in Spanish (with English subtitles).
These materials are designed as “quick guides” to help members of New Jersey’s immigrant community understand how to file taxes as a non-citizen, navigate Medicaid redeterminations, and obtain a New Jersey driver’s license.
The information on this page is not legal advice. For advice about a specific legal matter, please consult an attorney.
Las 4 cosas más importantes que debe saber cómo inmigrante en Nueva Jersey - Top 4 Things to Know as an Immigrant in New Jersey
¡Acceso al idioma, licencias de conducir para todos y más! Le enseñamos sus derechos cómo inmigrante en Nueva Jersey con nuestro vídeo e infografía.
Language Access, Licenses for All, and more! Learn about your rights as an immigrant in New Jersey with our video and infographic.
PDF Infographic - English & Spanish
Made Possible with Support from the New Jersey State Bar Foundation's 2024-2025 Cosponsorship Program.
La Renovación de Medicaid - Medicaid Redeterminations
A partir del 1 de abril del 2023, regresaron las determinaciones anuales del Medicaid. Tal vez usted escuchó sobre este proceso de “desenrollo”. ¡Le enseñamos como mantener su cobertura médica con nuestro vídeo e infografía!
Starting April 1, 2023, annual Medicaid redeterminations restarted. You may have heard this process called “unwinding.” Learn how to keep your coverage with our video and infographic!
PDF Infographic - English & Spanish
Made Possible with Support from the New Jersey State Bar Foundation's 2024-2025 Cosponsorship Program.
Entender El Seguro Medicó - Understanding Health Insurance
Con la iniciativa Cover All Kids de Nueva Jersey, los niños tienen más opciones de seguro médico, independientemente de su situación migratoria. Obtenga más información en nuestro vídeo e infografía sobre cómo reducir sus gastos médicos con un seguro médico.
Under New Jersey's Cover All Kids initiative, children have more options for health insurance, regardless of immigration status. Learn more in our video and infographic on how to lower your medical costs with health insurance.
PDF Infographic - English (Inglés) & Español (Spanish)
PDF Infographic - Português (Portuguese)
Made Possible with Support from the New Jersey State Bar Foundation's 2024-2025 Cosponsorship Program.