Starts With You
NJCIC’s 2024 Annual Report
Take a look back at all of the great work we accomplished in 2024!
Please read through our FY24 Annual Report as we reflect on significant milestones and real-world impacts from the year and share more about our incredible community of young immigrant New Jerseyans.
Our Logo.
At NJCIC, we want the Garden State to be a welcoming and inclusive place for all children - a place where every young immigrant has the opportunity to live fearlessly, advance, and achieve success in their lives. The Statute of Liberty, seen from the Jersey side of the Hudson, signifies our commitment to welcoming immigrant children and dismantling systems that oppress young people seeking safety. Lady Liberty’s monarch wings symbolize the journey young people make, ultimately settling here in NJ, and our logo’s bright colors reflect the joy and resilience of immigrant children. Together, we believe that making NJ a great state for immigrant children is possible. Join us.